Hope had 11 beautiful babies on Sept 5th. She had 3 girls and 8 boys. She and Hunter can be seen under the dogs/Service Line tab. This is her final litter before retiring as a mom. All these puppies are spoken You can follow their progress on FB and IG. Please see the Available puppies page to look at what we have coming!
Carina and Theo’s puppies are here! We have 8 beautiful babies, 2 boys and 6 girls. These babies are all spoken for. Please see the Available puppies page to see what we have coming!
We have some beautiful babies from Bailey and Theo! On May 28th, she had 6 boys and 3 girls. They will go home July 23-24. These pups are spoken for. Carina has been bred to Theo for pups due August 17th and going home the second week in October. We still have a few reservation spots available. You can see all of these dogs on their specific pages. If you are interested, please fill out the application and we will reach out. I look forward to hearing from you!
Theo dad
We will have more beautiful pups ready in January. The puppy application is under the information tab. We look forward to hearing from you!
Ruby (service line) and Aslan have been bred and will have pups ready in April. Aslan is our stunning offspring from Kiki and he has produced some gorgeous, well balanced babies.
We have also bred Hope and Olive with Hunter. Olive is out of out of our Laly and Benny. Hope is out of Kiki and is Aslan’s full sister. These pups will be ready the end of March/first of April.
Ruby, Hope and Hunter can all be seen under the service line tab and Aslan and Olive can be seen under boys and girls. If you are interested, please fill out the application under the information tab. We look forward to hearing from you!
Pups from the Grace X Aslan May 2022 litter
Olive and Hope with Hunter pups can be seen on our Facebook page from Spring 2023.
Hope (out of Kiki) had 13 beautiful babies on May 22nd! We also have a litter from Olive (out of Laly and Benny). Both litters are sired by Hunter. These litters will be ready for homes July 22 & 23. These are incredible pairings of health cleared parents with wonderful dispositions. You can see the parents under dogs/service line. We have a few spots available. The application is a drop down under the information tab. Please reach out with any questions you may have!
November is here and the holidays are only weeks away! Laly and Theo are resting up while looking forward to puppies in December. This will be Laly’s final litter before retiring. She will then take the role of “Aunt Laly” alongside Ruby as they help new moms with their puppies. We also have another litter with our service dog line coming soon. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions and remember our Facebook page is the most current with information. Thanks for stopping by and have a Golden Day!
It has been awhile since we have updated the website. We keep the Facebook page much more current due to the ease of posting. There are some breeding plans underway that will be bringing some puppies available late Spring and early Summer. Benny has sired some wonderful service dogs that have turned 2 years old and have passed all of their health clearances. These girls have interesting pedigrees, since their mother dates back to our foundation line of Goldens! I am so excited for these combinations with their health and incredible temperaments. Please look under the “girls” tab at the “Service Dogs” to see information on each dog. If you are interested, please fill out the puppy application and we will get back with you soon. UPDATE Feb 26th– All of our puppies are spoken for!
We are planning two upcoming litters! The first will be with with Laly and Benny and the second will be Paris and Benny. They will be amazing pairs and the puppies will be stunning. All parents have great dispositions and will produce pups with therapy dog personalities. Please see their individual pages for pictures, pedigrees and health information. We are now taking applications and deposits. Laly’s pups will go home in October and Paris’ puppies will go home around the holidays. We have one list in order of deposits. When one litter is born, we start with the list until all of those puppies are spoken for. Then the list continues for the next litter. At this point Laly’s pups are most spoken for and we will be looking at Paris for the remaining people that come in at this point. If you are interested, please fill out the puppy application. We look forward to hearing from you!
UPDATE! these litters are spoken for. Next availability will be late spring/summer 2021.
I have not posted for awhile so I wanted to give everyone an update. We are taking a break for the rest of this year and the first half of 2020. We are planning to have 1 litter summer 2020 and one the end of 2020. The second litter may run into the start of 2021. At this point we are planning only to have 2 litters a year. We have our handsome hunk Benny, our beautiful Laly, her sweet daughter Nala and a new young Champion parented girl named Liza coming from Ukraine. Daisy and Reba retired and Aggie and Molly are with wonderful breeder friends of mine to continue their great line. We will take this time off to enjoy some fun time and do some training with the young girls. As always, please see my Facebook page for current updates and activity. Any info on the dogs we have is here on their pages. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Happy Fall to all!!
I wanted to share a very important part of my life that most of you don’t get to see… My beautiful grandkids! They are a great help with puppy socialization 🙂