
Calle’s puppies are all in their new homes!

Calle’s puppies have all left the nest! We are so happy with all of the wonderful families that have become part of A Golden Paradise and those that have added to their family with their second baby from us! This was a wonderful litter and it was sad to know it was Calle’s last. She is enjoying retirement and we have our “Cassie” from this litter to carry on this great line 🙂 Please see the future litters link for what is to come. Thanks for following us!

Blue boy 8 weeks

Ruby loves to play with the babies!!

Tomorrow the pups will be 7 weeks old! They are into everything now and having a blast! The pups are using the doggie door and having fun playing out on the boardwalk in the morning and evenings. Of course they are inside in the AC laying on the tile when it is hot outside. 🙂 They get to experience something new every day to learn and grow in their environment. This weekend we are going to try the kiddie pool. I know they will have a great time. When they are done playing hard they all sack out to recharge their batteries. Look at those cute little puppy feet 🙂 Only one more week until they go home!

calle 7 weeks

Today the puppies are 5 1/2 weeks old! They are quite active and full of personality 🙂 They have taken over the whole puppy area and are doing wonderful on paper training. They enjoy three meals a day and mommy still comes in for dessert 😉 They are exploring different textures and toys and are very curious and friendly. We only have 18 days until they can go to their new families! Enjoy a peek at the fun we have all day long!

calle 5 wks1

Calle’s puppies are 4 weeks old and getting bigger and more coordinated every day. They can really get around and play now and it is so much fun to watch them as they discover new things. They have started eating dog food now and absolutely love it! They lick the dish clean and then fall fast asleep with full tummies. Of course they still love to nurse on mommy too 🙂 They are very friendly and snugly too 🙂


This weekend the puppies are 3 weeks old! They are walking (not too steady lol) around and beginning to play with one another and notice the world around them. They still get “lost” looking for mommy sometimes because they can only see clearly right in front of their faces. Each day their vision and depth of field gets better. We started with the papers yesterday and a few of them are already going to end of the box to use them. They are so smart 🙂 Calle is doing wonderful too and a very happy mommy. All is well at week 3!


Here we are at the two week mark and almost in August! The puppies are doing wonderful and getting bigger and stronger every day. Their little peepers are open and they are all over the box now. They are trying their legs but still quite wobbly! They can hear now and like to all “sing” at the same time.  Today they had their first deworming and had their nails clipped as well. They were good sports about it all. Everyone weighs just an ounce and a half below 3 lbs! All is well and we are blessed 🙂 Enjoy the update!

THESE PUPPIES ARE ALL SPOKEN FOR. Please see our future litters link to see what is to come 🙂


Calle’s puppies are already a week old! I feel like a broken record (can we even use that one anymore?) when I say that time is flying by so fast. Those who are older than me say it gets worse and I cannot fathom that! Now back to puppies…they are doing fantastic! They are almost all 2 lbs already and very healthy and happy. Their ears and eyes are still closed for another week but their little voices work just fine when they want mommy lol. They are so big and strong that Calle already likes to sit sometimes when they nurse. They have no problems getting where they need to be! I love how she looks down at the puppies. She is an amazing mom and so sweet with the babies. Enjoy the 1 week update and scroll down for earlier posts.


Calle’s puppies were born on Friday afternoon July 17th! She had 5 girls and 2 boys. Mommy and babies are doing wonderful and all settled in and cozy. Calle and Angus make absolutely beautiful puppies together and we expect nothing less from these sweet babies. This is Calle’s last litter so we will be keeping a puppy from her to carry on these lovely dogs and great healthy line. We will update the post weekly and post random photos etc. on Facebook during the week as well.  Enjoy! Scroll down to see progress each week…

calle 2days
calle 2 days1
other news

Ruby and Chloe have earned their CGC titles!

Congratulations to Ruby and Chloe for passing their AKC Canine Good Citizen test yesterday and both earning their CGC title! They passed with flying colors despite us waiting at the park bathrooms for a short, but intense rain and thunderstorm to pass. They are both such sweet girls and we are so proud of them! Thank you Jim and Dina at Wallace K9 Training center for being so wonderful 🙂

CGC Ruby3

CGC ruby chloe 1

CGC Chloe 2

CGC Ruby 1

CGC Chloe1



Family Updates

Family Updates

It is crazy to think Summer is just a few weeks away! Every time I post a family update I am shocked at how much time has passed since the last one. Everyone is doing wonderful and we are looking forward to two summer litters this year from Calle and Ruby. In the meantime we are doing some additions to our main puppy room in the house that we are very excited about! I have received so many pictures from our wonderful families and would like to share some of them in this post. There are so many on my facebook page that I cannot get them all on the website.  Please take the time to go and see all the great updates. It is so much fun to see how the puppies and big doggies are doing and how beautiful they have become 🙂 For now here are some of the recent updates!

Our puppies are very smart and love to learn!!



Brinkley is a lover!

brinkley2brinkleybriinkley3Liberty Bell “Liberty”

libbySky and Cooper “sharing” the toy lol

20150408_195509I had a chance to visit these guys in the Keys in April! It was a great time to visit friends and furry kids 🙂

Mearns crew


Sweet Dunn!

20150407_130030Albert…so handsome!


Charlie having his first swim and loving it!



George and Louie are such sweet boys!




Willow is a natural!



Molly enjoying her treasure 🙂


Little Bo is not so little anymore!


Olivia and her great find!!


And this is why we love goldens!!


Such sweet  babies! Don’t they look so innocent…lol


“Dinner please!”


Maggie Mae and her baby


Don’t you just want to snuggle her?


Handsome Doug looks like he is ready for a a a date!


Sandy and Sterling…sweet girls


Tanner is a jumper!



Beautiful Boston!


Sweet Courtney


Wags and Max waiting for a treat 🙂


Irish Fan!


“Maggie” easter bunny


Jin Jin having a blast at the beach!

jin jin1

She loves her bed and her baby 🙂


Buchan sharing his excitement! With Lily and Alex in the background 🙂


Hi Christine,

It’s Heather Clark with Finley in Pennsylvania. She is such a sweetheart. She

loves my patients and often comes out for a visit. Some people even have her on

their laps while getting work done as a comfort. Finley is amazing with my 3 year

old son, Liam. She puts up with him chasing her around. Thank you for such a

precious puppy. Can’t believe she is almost 3 as well




Hi Christine,


We hope all is well! We currently love Woodford, a a two-year old golden from Calle

and Angus’ litter, and we noticed that Calle and Angus have another litter with

puppy pick-up in September. We would absolutely love to have another golden and a

“sibling” for Woodford in our family. We are already so blessed with Woodford- he is

such a sweet, gentle, loving dog. If you have any availability, we are certainly

wishing you do! Most of all, many thanks again for such a sweet boy, Woodford! He is truly our baby!


Hi Gracie is now 2 and is a complete joy. We love her to pieces.


Hi Christine!


Just wanted to send you an update on Max, son of Mac and I believe the mom was

Sarah. We wanted to let you know today is Max’s Birthday, he turned 4 years old!

He is still our baby of course, and to tell you the truth, the best dog in this

universe, no doubt. 😉 I’m including a few pictures of him, our Birthday Boy Max!

Take care! You Rock! I’m always referring you to everyone I know…. Everyone

falls in love with Max and always ask! I’m not even kidding!

Have a great weekend!!!!

Best Regards, Nigaglioni Family.



Happy St. Patty’s Day from Magoo!



Buchan…such a lovable face 🙂


Some of the birthday kids from Calle’s March 2014 litter


Zeus and Sophie

I visit your Facebook page all the time. It’s so heartwarming to see all of your

precious babies. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a mom to Sophie. She is a

loved so much and I don’t know what I would do without her.

Best wishes to you and your family,   Rose

zeus and sophie

Snow fun!


sweet girls


Winni girl



Pearl must think she is still a puppy!

pearl new home


Family Updates

Family Updates!

With the holidays past and puppy empty nest, I though I would catch up on some updates from our Golden families! Please remember to check out my A Golden Paradise Facebook page also. There are updates on there as well that may not make it on the website. As always, thank you to those of you who keep in touch. It always makes my day to see how the kids are doing 🙂

Finnegan was the handsome ring bearer for his mom’s wedding!


Cotton is enjoying her new home! She is loved very much and enjoying all of the special attention 🙂


Hi Christine,

Here are a few pictures of Bailey. She is the most playful, happy, and snuggly pup!

We just love her! Hope you are well,

Elizabeth wiggins



Good morning! Happy one week being empty nesters! Sammy is doing fabulous! He’s so

smart, loving, and playful! We like spending most of our free time outside in the

back yard trying to wear this puppy out as he is just full of energy! We couldn’t be

happier with him! We are looking forward to Wednesday when Sammy can finally meet

his big sister!


Chester chillin 🙂


Wags being patient with his new brother Max 🙂


Happy Birthday Magoo!!


Louie and George…brotherly love <3

louie and george


“jin jin” from Cotton X Angus…such a sweet face!

jin jin3

She is loving all the attention. Gorgeous, amazing, sweet girl!

“Holly”…pink girl from Glory X Angus


Hello! I just wanted to send you a few pictures of Gunner to show you how beautiful

he is (and I love bragging about him). He recently got neutered and bounced back

only hours after surgery, it’s like he didn’t even notice! But he is continuing to

be the perfect dog and perfect best friend! Thank you so much!


Louie is sure daddy is going to give him some of that great Kilwins ice cream! Be sure to visit them in Winter Park  🙂


Handsome “Wags”




We had a first birthday party for Louie. He had a blast with his friends.

Thought you would enjoy seeing a couple pictures 🙂


louie1louie 2


Titus enjoying his Black Friday deal. $4 dollar new bed!


Titus Enjoying the slightly less humidity with cousin Oakley

titus and oakley




Keely and Grady (next 3 pictures)


Quick note to say hi. Strider is doing great. He’s still high energy and loves the beach! Keith



Glory’s babies are all in their new homes!

It is sooo quiet in the house! Two months of caring for the two litters and I cannot believe it is over already. Over for me… but just beginning for all of the wonderful families that have a new baby at home 🙂 Three from this litter were returning for their second golden. I know they will all be loved very much and I look forward to updates to see how they grow. Now empty nest for us until fall…


7 week update! We are almost there with only one week to go! The puppies are absolutely adorable and doing wonderful. They are so playful and full of life and when you pick them up they just turn to mush 🙂 We will enjoy our last week with them before we are empty nested for awhile. The time goes by so incredibly fast! Enjoy the video of a tug o war match and watch to the end to see who wins!

Glory 7 weeks

6 week update! We had a great time of visitation with the puppies and meeting new families this weekend. The puppies are doing great on potty training and are more active every day. They were so tired from all of the company this weekend that several people just thought they slept all of the time 🙂 I made a short video to show that they do not just sleep all the time! My updates are shorter at this point because most have seen their puppies and we are so busy taking care of them that out time is consumed by the babies. Here is what people think they do all of the time…Here is what I see… 🙂

5 week update! The puppies are doing great and have changed so much this past week. They are very active and playful now.  They are interested in everything that is going on around them and want to be a part of the action! Enjoy seeing the individual faces of the bunch in the video. Visitation is only 1 week away!!


Glory’s puppies are 4 weeks old!  We are now halfway to the 8 week point! Everyone is doing wonderful and growing fast.  They are already starting to use the papers like good babies 🙂 They are also eating real food now and really enjoying it. They took to the Life’s Abundance immediately and licked the dish clean 🙂 I hope you enjoy the video!


Glory’s puppies are 3 weeks old! I think with Christmas and New Years the time has gone by extra fast. The puppies are getting bigger and more active every day beginning to play and explore their surroundings. It is so fun to watch them begin to play with one another. As the video shows, they nurse with Glory standing most of the time now 🙂 Enjoy!


Glory’s pups are 2 weeks old! The puppies eyes are open and they are wobbling around and using their voices now 🙂 Everyone is doing fine and growing fast. I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by!

Glory 2wks1

Glory’s puppies are 1 week old! They are plump and healthy 🙂 Enjoy the video and pictures! Scroll down for older posts of litter.


Glory had her beautiful, BIG babies Saturday night!  Glory did amazing and is taking great care of her babies. She is enjoying her homemade chicken and rice meals too 🙂 Everyone is settled in and resting after an all night event. You will notice that one of the puppies is green in the photo. That is just from the green fluid from the birthing process and will fade soon. It really looks bright with the flash on the camera! All of these pups are spoken for 🙂

Farm Life

Rain + Dirt = Mud and Fun!

Angus and Glory had a big time this afternoon out front in the water and mud after all of the babies left the nest. They ran through puddles, played tag around the trees, pulled palm branches out of the burn pile, and had fun in the dirt!

glory angus 2-7-15
glory and angus2-7-15

Cotton’s puppies have left the nest!

8 week update! All of the puppies have gone to their new homes. It is a bittersweet time for us as we have spent much time loving and caring for them. At the same time, we know how ready they are for the individual attention they need and to bond with their new families. This is the last post for this litter, so here are the wonderful new families with their new babies!


7 week update! Cotton’s puppies go home this coming weekend! I cannot believe we are here already. They are doing amazing and are full of life 🙂 While we are finishing weaning Cotton, we let “Aunt Ruby” come in and spend time with the pups. She runs and plays with them and then lies down and lets them crawl all over her. She is a such a patient, sweet girl. This gives the pups some extra socialization with a dog other than their mom and helps with the weaning process. As I said with Glory’s update, My posts are shorter since we have had visitation and we are very busy now!!!

6 Week Update!  Cotton’s puppies are doing amazing and are so much fun now! We had our 6 week visitation yesterday and it was great getting to meet all of the new families and see some old friends coming back for Golden number two to add to their family. The puppies were completely worn out by the end of the day and made everyone believe they were calm and quiet all of the time lol… I am listening to them wrestle, bark at one another and tear up newspaper in the other room as we speak 🙂 We have a video and just one picture of the pooped out puppies since everyone got millions of pictures yesterday 🙂

Cotton 6 wks

5 week update! Only one more week until visitation! It will be great to meet the new puppy parents and I know you are all excited to pick out your new babies. They are all wonderful, so it will be a tough choice 🙂 The pups are very playful now and are enjoying the freedom of the whole puppy room. They are doing great on paper training and experiencing new things to learn about each day. They love the play tube as you will see in the video…Enjoy!


4 week update! We are halfway to our new homes at 4 weeks old today! It is so hard to believe we are already 3 days  into 2015 and Christmas and New Years are behind us once again. The puppies are doing wonderful and enjoying eating real food! You will see they love it and get into it completely and make a big mess 🙂 They are having play time outside the box and starting their paper training.


3 week update!! My goodness the time is slipping by so fast. It is hard to believe that Christmas is over and we are bringing in the new year this coming week. The babies are growing and changing everyday and looking more like little puppies now. They are discovering their little world, toys and each other and it is so fun to watch. Enjoy a glimpse into toy discovery for the first time 🙂


2 weeks old and doing great! The puppies eyes are open and they are wobbling around on their little legs 🙂 Enjoy the video and pictures! Older posts are below.


Cotton’s puppies are 1 week old today! I cannot believe it has been a week already. They are doing amazing and growing so fast. Enjoy this video and the 3 pictures below. Continue to scroll down for earlier pictures of the litter. All of these pups are spoken for 🙂

cotton 1 week3
cotton 1 week2
Cotton 1 week 1

Cotton had 10 beautiful, healthy puppies December 6th! They are a lovely bunch and we are so pleased 🙂 She had 4 girls and 6 boys and all is well with mommy and babies. Cotton had a c-section and as soon as she opened her eyes and heard the babies she was ready to have them with her. She is an incredible mommy!


cotton newborn2
cotton newborn1
Cotton newborn
Family Updates

Family Updates

Happy fall! Sorry I am behind on updates! This is about 3 months of updates, but I know you will enjoy these great pictures from our Golden families! Remember there are more past updates in older posts and also in our Gallery. We have many pictures and letters from over the years 🙂


Sweet Jessie taking a ride


Handsome Charlie!


Payton getting ready to retrieve the ball… He loves to swim!



The sweet Brown family!

Lily Brown on her birthday…


Buchan Brown on his birthday..


New toy shells Alex likes to put in the pool…


Precious babies 🙂


Hi Christine,

Here is Willow and big brother Raleigh at “Paws in the Park” at Carlin Park
in Jupiter.  Here they were entered in a costume contest as a “Wide
Retriever” with football and Willow was the cheerleader.  So cute!  She
also did pretty well for a novice at dock jumping.  Her longest jump was 7′.

willow and Raleigh

Christine, I thought you might enjoy this photo of Sara. Today is her 12th Birthday

(hard to believe). She is a happy, healthy Golden Girl. We took a nice long walk early this morning

and are planning to go for birthday treats this afternoon. Maybe even a tiny bit of ice cream, vanilla is her favorite!!

She is an amazing girl that I love more every day we spend together. We are constant

companions and she goes everywhere with us. We have a three week vacation planned in

September and have booked hotels that allow dogs in Tennessee, Ohio, New York, New

Hampshire, Virginia and South Carolina. She is a dream to travel with and should

have an amazing time. Hope all is well with your family, we still enjoy following your web site for

updates on all your wonderful Goldens.

See you soon,

David, Georgia and Sara


Attached is a recent picture of Buddy. I grew up with a black lab so I knew I wanted

a retriever for a pet. When we acquired Buddy 2 1/2 yrs ago, we were told he is the

best dog we will ever have. We thought everyone says that but truly, he is the best

fit for our family! He adapted so quickly and so well that we regret not getting a

Golden earlier. Anyone who meets him falls in love with him. (My in-laws joke that

he is so smart because he is “homeschooled” along with our kids.)

He is such a blessing to us. Three of us in our family are hearing impaired and

Buddy has become my “ears” at especially at night. My husband’s schedule requires

him to be gone overnight a lot so when I hear a noise or if he does, he is quick to

check things out. He’s even been known to proudly bring us a possum from the yard at

night. I could go on and on with all the things we love about Buddy as could anyone who

owns a Golden. 🙂 Thank you for allowing me to share.


Hi Ms. Christine,

I wanted to send you a little note to let you know how well I’m doing. I can hardly

believe it has already been a year since I was born. I want to thank you for

finding me a great family. They love me just the way you did when I was in your

home. I weigh almost sixty pounds now. My mom and dad say I’m all muscle.

I’ve included some pictures of me with my best friend Skylar. Technically she’s my

sister since we live in the same home.


Thought I’d send you these photos of Gunner! He is the perfect puppy and loves his

brother Iz (white lab). Thanks again!



Hope all is well

Here is a picture of Cosmo

He’s doing great and continues to bring smiles to our faces


Richard Declemente


Hi Christine,

I uploaded some pics of Titus from our vacation this past week. He can’t get enough of the water.

We actually have to block off the back of the boat in order to keep him from jumping overboard :]




Hey Christine! Hope all is well. Charlie turns 1 yo tomorrow.. Thought you might

enjoy seeing how big he’s gotten since you last saw him. He’s such a sweet boy..we

love him so much. I don’t remember what we did before himcharlie2



Louie is loving Michigan and all of the lakes it has to offer. I think he

also likes the cooler weather! We have been having so much fun and he has

been playing with my cousins dogs every day 🙂


Greetings! Hope your year is going amazing and all your pups are doing great! I just

wanted to thank you again for giving me such an amazing dog and best friend! Gunner

is doing amazing and had a vet check up yesterday and they said he was one of the

prettiest and well behaved Goldens they have ever seen (and perfect healthy)! He has

turned into such a water dog and gets in some every chance he gets! He is the

perfect puppy still and so well behaved! Here are some photos of him now at about 5

months old! Thanks again! Kiana Broadbridge


Just keep growing! With our Zoey in the middle! Hope all is well!!!


sophie and zeus

On the drive up to Michigan Louie got to see where mom went to college. We

stopped at Notre Dame and he got to run around a little and even go a new

bandana for this football season.



Faith had a wonderful trip home. No upset stomach. She and Remmi are good for each

other. They follow each other all over the house.

My boy cat has made friends with her. My girl cat is still not sure.

Thank you for making our house full again. Love, Marie


Dear Christine

just a short update of my newest live experiences:

– Easter hunt… I was the Bunny 🙂

– Beach adventures

– Pool Party’s

– Live guard training camp 🙂

– Dschungle adventure

– Romantic sunset

– Rescued my family from snake…. unfortunately there is no picture… but

I was soo good… almost a hero… I warned them all and protected my pack.

So far all good… ok… I am neutered now… not all good 🙂 but I can live

with that… Give you an update soon… will go on my first RV trip to the Smokey’s…

whatever that means… lol

Hope you are fine too…

Big hugs, Chocolate

2014-03-30 18.44.34_GrößenveränderungIMG_0729_GrößenveränderungIMG_0983IMG_1891_GrößenveränderungIMG_2052_GrößenveränderungIMG_2227_Größenveränderung

Good morning!

Dixie is ONE! We celebrated her birthday yesterday with a doggie mini cake and she

loved it! She’s the sweetest fun – loving dog and her face just has that cute look

24/7. Thank you for raising such a great line of goldens, we can’t wait to get another one

someday!  Jamie White


Hi Christine,

Hope you are doing well. Wanted to share a pic of our crazies!   Love to swim and

think we can surf now! Having a great time with them!

zeus and sophie

zeus and sophie

Winni continues to be a joy and adds so much

laughter to our home. She has been playing with our daughter’s new puppy as

well as a friend’s puppy that I help watch on the days she has to be gone

all day. She enjoys other dogs so much and our older one is no longer

interested in playing with her. She loves to swim in our daughter’s pool

with her older dog.



Beautiful Thames

thames lovett1

Fetch LOVES his new home 🙂


Breamer’s favorite spot!



Nessie loves her girl


Lexi sharing her bed with her kitty

lexi digiralamo

The Dipietro gang

imageMearns babies

mearns crew



Dana and Finnegan…so sweet

dana and finnegan

Hi Christine, Chris & I hope you and your family are doing well.  I just wanted to
take a moment to let you know that Sophie & Zeus are doing great.  Here’s a pic.
Sophie in the front, then Zoey, and Zeus in the back.  You were right about Sophie.
She is a tender heart except when she’s around her brother.  Then she really let’s
loose.  She goes for 2 walks every day and the whole neighborhood knows Sophie.  She
has to stop and say hello to everybody.  I’m especially looking forward to watching
all the Hallmark Christmas shows with her.  Maggie and I used to watch them over and
over again.  Take care.   Rose

sophie and zeus





other news

Special Visit :)

I had the privilege of getting to see some of our babies and their families while on vacation. We had fun catching up and taking some great photos. I love getting the chance to see the puppies as they grow up 🙂


It was great to see Gradi, Keely and their mom, Lisa at Pine Island. The dogs have such a great time playing in the water. Keely was loving swimming and playing with her coconut, while Grady loving following the minnows in the water 🙂

keely and gradigradi2keelygradi

This summer I was invited to see Tanner and his family while we were on vacation. He had a blast swimming with his pals in the pool!




Farm Life

Play Time

Our dogs just love all of the space they have to romp and play! From playing ball in the field, to visiting the farm animals, to cooling off in a tub… it is a fun life in the country!
Chloe and Ruby playing while visiting the lambs 🙂
chloe and ruby lambs
Watch this funny video of playtime 🙂
DSC_0157kody3-10cpetey and sierraIMAG0409jessie1P1160899DSC_2980JMB_3300IMAG0395IMAG0096greenboy2working with pupskody10-20bDSC_0041DSC_0469