We love updates from our extended Golden families! It brings us such joy to see our puppies growing up in their wonderful homes. Thank you for keeping us posted and sharing your special moments with us. Your pictures and letters also encourage others to trust us for their new Golden puppy. You are the Best!
Please also see our facebook page for updates as well 🙂
Older updates are in our Gallery family updates
Just wanted to update you on our Tebone. He got to play in the sprinklers after a
nice long walk. He went to the vet to visit Pops today and he weighed 15 1/2 pounds.
He has adjusted amazingly and is sleeping till 6:00 or later regularly. He is a
sweet tempered puppy and we see a lot of our Barkley in him. Thanks so much and we
will send you updates down the road.
click below for video
As you can see she is a Daddy’s girl and loves her new “big” brother, Raleigh as
we do her! They absolutely LOVE each other and have such fun as you will see in my
YouTube video link below! We will keep you updated on the first baby to
flee it’s nest last Saturday!
Hi Christine!
I just wanted to thank you for 2 wonderful dogs! Bella and her new little sister,
Lacey, love each other so much! So sweet!
“Come to bed, mommy!” Can’t believe Brinkley will be two this summer- I gotta say we
are just as in love with her now as we were on day one!! She is truly my everything
and keeps me company while daddy works nights!!
Thank you so much for raising such beautiful puppies! Cali is adjusting to her new
home. She was a good girl on the long car ride home. She is having
fun exploring and playing with her new toys.
Talk to you soon! The Cooper Family
Good morning, Christine,
Hope you and your family are well. Daisy continues to thrive and becomes better and
better every day. She is just so darn loving, cute, & entertaining–personality
plus. No shy retiring dog is she! Everyone in the neighborhood loves her because
she gives them so many wags and kisses, and more kisses. No one escapes her
attention. She can win over the biggest non-dog-fan. We have a good trainer who seems to be crazy about her and loves
her outgoing personality. He is certified in various training programs so therapy
is very much a possibility.
Hugs to Cotton and Angus!
Margie Wagner
Hi Christine,
I hope all is well your way. Keely is growing so fast & she is such a sweet little girl! She & Gradi
play all the time, she loves swimming in the pool & then going out to play on the
dirt piles then back to the pool again. She is so funny, she’ll sit on the pool
steps just looking around & then just swim off to one of the floating toys. She is
19in. & 32lbs. @ this point.
Have a great holiday weekend,
Hello! Just wanted to send a quick update. Gunner got his second round of shots
today at the vet and everyone at the vets office loved him so much that they asked
all about your business. They were so impressed by what I told them about your
program that they got all your information and said they will be passing it along to
some other clients that are looking for golden puppies!
Gunner is such a good boy and is sleeping through the night already. He knows
lots of tricks and loves to go swimming. He is growing so fast and is the
perfect puppy! Here is some pictures of him, he is already 17 pounds! Thank you
Hey Christine!
Just wanted to update you on what Louie is up to these days.
We have started intermediate obedience classes and Louie is learning
everything so fast. He is a great learner. Louie has also discovered the
pool in our backyard and likes to jump in every time he goes outside! It is
a great way for him to cool off on these hot days! Louie keeps us very
entertained every day, we love him so much!
Hope all is great with you and your family 🙂
Natalie and Julien….and Louie 😀
Hi Christine,
Just checking in to let you know all is going great! A video and picture to share.
They play hard and sleep good! We’ve got a schedule going and the nights are
already much better. Be in touch!
Best, Chris
Thought I would send you a few pics of Professor Wags, aka red collar from Cotton’s litter.
Hope everyone is well!
Hi Christine, I know you know Who this beautiful girl is ! She’s sporting her new corsage from mommy’s garden.
Everyone is happy healthy and beautiful thank you we love you!
God bless you all with lots of love, health and wealth. Fran, Joey, Bear, Shyla, Abby, a.k.a. Indian Princess
Hi Christine,
A few weeks ago Winni graduated from her puppy class and she is now going through the intermediate one.
Both Jim and I take her once a week and practice
each day. She continues to grow and now that she is almost 6 months old, she weighs about 42 lbs.
She has been so much fun and such a joy to have around.
Her coat is coming in nicely and we get compliments from people that see her all the time about what a good looking Golden she is.
Life is good, and Tucker remains a beautiful shining light in my life. He is happy and healthy!
I visited your site and saw all the beautiful dogs/pups!
Looks like a lot of work!!! If I ever make it back to SC, I will contact you and bring the Tucker man by
Titus is doing wonderful. His favorite things are running around the yard,walks and of course swimming in any body of water. He also loves to be vacuumed which always provides entertainment whencleaning. He has a goofy personality and loves any body and every dog he comes in contact with. We also love how wonderful he is with children. Today we had a "Titus day" since we've been so busy we wanted to spoil him so we went to Petsmart and picked a new toy then took him swimming. When we were in Petsmart, 3 little kids asked if they could pet him and Titus just sat down as the kids went crazy putting their hands all over his face and mouth. He loved it and didn't get too excited, but just sat and licked their hands. We couldn't have asked for a better dog that is more perfect for our family. Thanks for the wonderful family member!
She loves us watering the tree – lol
Hi Christine, Magoo is all grown up and had his "Big Boy Physical" this past week. As his
breeder, I thought you would like to know that he passed with flying colors. Our
vet said he is one happy and very healthy big boy and many times mentioned what a
"good lookin dog" he was. We just want to thank you again for our handsome and
healthy boy! Wishes for a wonderful spring season for you and your family. I continue to watch
your web site and enjoy watching all your litters grow. Sandy (and Tom) Walker
Hope all is well with you and your family! Just thought you might like to see these adorable pics from Louie's puppy class graduation. He is too funny!
How are you! Hope all is great with you and your family. I wanted to send
you some pictures of Louie and let you know how great he is :). We started
puppy classes a couple weeks ago and he is by far the smartest puppy in the
class, he understood how to sit after only two try’s. He has made friends
with the neighbors dogs and loves to go next door and play! He is so great
with other dogs and people. We love to take him to Celebration and have
dinner, as they have many dog friendly restaurant options. We are very
happy with Louie and just love his personality!
Natalie and Julien
Libby is in her level 3 obedience class now and she is a rock star. Matt has been home a couple times now and loves her. She is a fantastic dog.
He loves the beach…..:-)
His first trip to St. Petersburg with Hotel and Honeymoon Beach….
He was a sooooo good Dog….and everybody falls in love with him….:-)
Hi just wanted to update you on Gracie that is now one. She is such a joy. We love her so much.
She is enjoying her sister and loves traveling. Susan Graham
Hello Christine,
Daisy is settling in nicely now and is hysterical, bringing much joy to our family.
She is a neighborhood celebrity and enjoys play time with her new big sister, Bella.
Her new trick is taking Bella for a walk, oh, and a “High 10”. She is truly living up to her name and “dazzling” us with her
adorable personality. Daisy is still keeping us on our toes but has completely won
our hearts. All the “best” to you and your family, both human and canine. Margie
Courtney enjoying Frozen with her kids 🙂
Dear Christine,
I hope you all are well, Chocolate is growing and growing and keeping us busy. .:-) He is a so beautiful and nice dog we love him so much and we have so much fun with him....He is Collins best friend !!!! Jessica love to go for a walk with him..:-) New pictures for you...:-)
Erika and Sebastian..
The Brown crew 🙂 Aunt Lily takes good care of Alex!
Courtney with her best friends. When her little girl was sick she satyed by her side 🙂
Christine, Hope you all are well! Professor Wags made it safely to Colorado. He was awesome on the plane and has adjusted very well. He loves the snow and to sleep on my shoes. He is also getting along well with Champ. Here are a few pics! All the best,Katie
Hi Christine…just wanted to send pic of our New Jersey Bear! He is 4 and a half now and the light of our life! He is so sweet and loving and just AMAZING with kids and other dogs. He has quite a personality and “talks” to us all the time. He makes us laugh and we just adore him.
Hello christine,
We just wanted to tell you that chocolate is so a beautiful great puppy We love him so much and every day even more..:-) He is doing so great And the kids have a lot of fun with him special Collin..:-)Next week we have our shots appointment…Have a nice day and enjoy it..
Erika and Sebastian
Christine, Here a few photos of the many I could share. We are so in love with Beau and feel blessed to have him! He is so smart, handsome and greets everyone with love and a smile! Tell Glory and Angus how much we adore him! With gratitude, The Alvarez family
Hi Christine, Our beautiful Cassie turned one year old on February 5th and I wanted to send you a few pictures so you could see how she turned out. She has brought so much joy to our lives!! She goes to the beach every weekend and loves swimming in the ocean. She rules our household and sleeps in our bed every night. I can never thank you enough for her. We have a dog park in our neighborhood and of course she goes there for a walk almost every day and ironically there are two other English Goldens that she romps with at the park (however Cassie is the prettiest – spoken like a true Mom). My friend, Sandra Barcia, is so thrilled with her puppy from Ruby’s litter. When her puppy gets a little older we plan on having the two dogs play together. This is the first puppy her family has owned and the puppy has brought a lot of joy to their family! I hope your family is doing well. Enjoy the pictures of our Cassie girl. With Blessings, Donna Centerbar
Christine Daisy, oh by the way, as you know by now, we did change her name. She and Bella are getting along well and Bella has stepped up to the plate in demonstrating appropriate behavior in the house and out. Daisy gives her a fit sometime with the puppy teeth but otherwise, they are adapting extremely well. All the Best, Margie
Our Baby Boy turns three today! We love him so much! Thank you so much.Linda Ames.
Hi Christine, Just wanted to give you an update on our wonderful big boy! Brady soon became “Bear” after being in our house for a short time, and the name has stuck! He has his brother Archer (the golden) and now has two sisters since I recently got married.The four of them get along so well and make an adorable pack of siblings!Bear adds so much to our home and we are happy every day to have him. Thanks so much! Our best, Nancy Colling
Hi Christine, I hope you and your family are doing great! I am sending a couple of pictures of Molly and Koda. They really enjoy the time when they are together. Both dogs have black spots on their tongues, Koda’s is a bit bigger than Molly’s. They are such a joy to have around. Thanks again Chris McCann
Magoo’s first birthday! Thank you again for our handsome boy.
I think you would like to know this about Magoo’s personality – from a breeder standpoint.
Magoo could not be more gentle with Pablo – I assume he must sense Pablo’s condition.
Even as a young dog wanting to play he will be very sweet and gentle around Pablo.
If he does get anxious to get Pablo to play I can distract Magoo and he will then go back to leaving him be.
So for now they enjoy laying near each other – taking walks together and getting extra attention.
This is nothing short of remarkable and a wonderful example of his excellent temperament….thanks to your outstanding breeding.
Tom and Sandy Walker
Hey Christine,Just wanted to share some pictures with you from our first week together. At first Louie was a little nervous when we got home and cried the first night.
He quickly became accustomed to our home and has made it his. Since the first night he has not cried at all and was going potty outside since we got home last Saturday.
He is such a blessing and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much and we will keep in touch! He is very photogenic 🙂
Sky and Cooper sharing a piece of baby’s breath at their Florist. They look like they are kissing!
Hi Christine!
This is Michele Locke. I got my Bella from you 3 years ago. We wanted to get her a sister now. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks,Michele
Hi Christine I hope you and your family are well. Just wanted to send you an update on our boy Cody. He is a Miley/Buddy pup.
He is somewhere around 2 1/2 yrs old now. A very awesome dog. He loves living in Tn. With us and is much loved! Lisa Elliot
Hey Christine!
Just wanted to update you on Chip, from Sugar and Max.
He and Cappie will be 3 this spring, hard to believe!
I visit your site regularly and love all the new litters. God bless all of you. I feel especially happy to have been given Chip–
-now if he would quit grabbing at every old tissue in the road, life would be perfect!
Always, Jan Cervone
Been thinking of you, I didn’t get Christmas cards out this year I thought you might want to see how our kids are doing.
Gracie loves the snow, we will be leaving for florida soon we were there for a month in October,
the one pic is the kids on the long ride home they are the best of buddies, they are both so pretty & sweet, we love them so much.
We enjoy going on line & seeing all your pretty dogs, I saw the pic of Brody’s mom Sierra at her new home that was very special.
Hope you & your family have a very Merry Christmas & a very blessed year. Much love & lots of licks from the kids, Jim & Paula
Brodie and Gracie
Wishing you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from:Magoo and Pablo
Merry Christmas from Titus!
Hello. Just a quick note to check in and say hi. Strider just turned 4 and is doing
great. Beach Life is treating him well. He’s always smiling, follows me around like
a gold shadow and has been a wonderful dog. Have a nice Holiday!
Ziva cozy under the tree 🙂
Merry Christmas to you! The kids are all great today and every day, except for picture day when you know what.
They see mom come out her camera and everybody runs
in a different direction. So this is as close to a Christmas pictures I guess I’ll get Merry Christmas and happy new year wishing you all health and wealth the
Dipietro’s Joe Fran Bear Shilah and Abby
Christine, I’m sorry I didn’t take these pictures sooner. Hope you and your family have a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year.
Faith is now fully at ease with us. She has become a full-fledged watch dog. You should hear her bark when someone rings our bell.
We aren’t use to this since our last two goldens never made a peep and would have showed the robbers where the jewelry and money is.
Christine, if you’re ever passing by The Villages, please come and visit. I’m sure Faith would love to see you. Hope you enjoy these pictures we took in the last week. Bill, Edith, & Faith
Hi Christine! Just wanted to give you an update on Dixie! She’s officially a Texas dog now and she’s adjusting great!
She loves talking in the morning right when you let her out of her crate because she wants to go out and come back in to eat!
Dixie is the most relaxed and loving puppy we’ve ever had and looking forward to celebrating Christmas with her next week! Talk to you soon! Jamie White
Hi Christine, I just wanted to say thanks for our wonderful Winni… She is such a
joy! We love her so much and our older dog , Summer, has completely
accepted her and Winni has brought back some of her past puppyhood.
They love to wrestle and talk to each other and when Summer has had
enough she lets Winni know in a firm but gentle way.
We appreciate all the years of your hard work to breed Goldens
that make wonderful pets for others.
Blessings to you,
Hi Christine, Here is a picture from Christmas day. My sister stayed with us for a week and commented on what a nice calm puppy she is.
Happy New Year ! Judy Weaver
I just wanted to say thanks again for giving us Murphy.We got him two years ago from
you.He was 10 months old at the time.We were living in Port Orange but have moved
back to upstate ny.We have four and a half acres ans he has lots of room to run in
the yard.He is having the time of his life as we are with him.We love him like one
of our children and he is the best behaved dog I have ever seen So smart and
loving.So thanks again for bringing him into our lives Maureen and
Gene Vohl
Greetings From Gradi!
Brinkley! Too cute to be in trouble 🙂
Charlie has settled in so well!! He’s been so much fun already. He’s so smart and
learning quickly. It’s been a little challenging trying to crate train him because
he cries… But each day hes getting better with it and knows its bedtime. He hasn’t
had any accidents so far in the house- hes so good about letting us know when he
needs out we are both so surprised by what a good puppy he is. Just wanted to share
a few photos from our first couple days! Hope you and your family have a great
Shelby and Joe
Heres a picture of Bailey while we were at Pet Smart.
Ziva and Pasha
Happy Halloween from Liberty Belle “Libby” 🙂
Big Girl and Crosby
Hi Christine,
I hope all is well with you and your family. Nella is turning 2 and I wanted to let
you know she is doing great! She is such a source of joy in our home. Will keep
you updated.
Be well, Sandy
Christine,Zoey is such a beautiful 2 year old girl now! She has been a constantsource of peace and joy to me these last 7 months as I have gone throughso much treatment for cancer. Actually, I had my last treatment yesterdayand am overjoyed to report that I am now cancer free. Zoey is back to herplayful self with me and we look forward to many years of love andcompanionship!Our best to you and your family,Judie |
Browns beautiful babies
Handsome Winston
Hi Christine,
Just wanted to give you a quick update on Woodford; he is doing fantastic!
We really couldn’t be happier with such a sweet, good-natured pup. He just
hit the 5 month mark, so we decided we would send you a few pictures of the
little guy. Again, we really cannot thank you enough! It is hard to imagine
life without him around.
Many thanks!
Jessica and Jacob
Sweet Sadie 🙂
Hi Christine
Havent sent any pics in a while.Crosby and Kyla doing great-can’t believe they are
two already(well Kyla will be next week)Every day is an adventure -can’t imagine
life without them.
The boys(Scott and Crosby)hang out a lot together and the girls (Mauree and Kyla are
inseparable. Life is good in the Rycroft household!
You should see Faith when we get home from going out. She is sooooo happy. She runs around wagging her tail and jumping up on our bed and turning over on her back. She just loves a belly rub. What more can we say, Faith is a gift from God. Thank you for giving us Faith. She has filled the void we had from losing our last golden, Rusty. We’ll send those pictures tomorrow when I get them on the computer. Hope all is well with your family and have a blessed fourth.
Bill & Edith
Always love in the Dipietro home 🙂
Hi Christine,
My name’s Darby, I adopted one of Kody’s puppies in July 2012 from a woman in Apollo
Beach named Cara. She said she paid for Kody to be used as a stud. I saw pictures of
him on your website and I couldn’t believe the resemblance to my dog, Captain. Kody
seems to be more built than Cap but their coloring and head shape are really
similar. I just thought you’d like to see another one of Kody’s babies since you have three
of your own! And of course a proud momma loves to show off her baby 🙂
He’s such a good dog and I’m so lucky to have him!
Best, Darby
Ziva and Pasha are doing well. Full of energy and everyone that meets them can not
believe how well behaved they are. They have brought so much joy to us.
Hi Christine,
Hope you and your family are doing well! I attached a picture of Titus at
19 weeks old (I think). He is still the most wonderful dog. I cannot
believe this is his “teenage” time because he is still so calm and well
behaved. We get none stop compliments on how good looking and how calm he
is. Thanks a hundred times for such a wonderful dog. I already want another
one! :] Hannah Clites.
I just wanted to send you these pictures we had taken yesterday. Sandy is a
wonderful puppy and we are enjoying every day with her!
Jill Carrier
Murphy is such a curious, playful little boy! He’s sleeping at least 7
hours at night (yay!) and is having very few “accidents” during the day.
Riley has warmed up to him and they are great playmates. Murphy is
adorable and is getting LOTS of love and attention!
Hope things are going well with you,
Lynne Grimes
Harmony working
Gracie. We met one of her half brothers at Disney camping this weekend.
Callies baby. She is doing well we start school tonight.
Hi Christine!
I hope you are well and having a great start to your summer. 🙂
I had to send you this picture of Chance, who just turned 7 months old. How time flies!
In the picture, he is hanging out with his dad at our pharmacy, “assisting” with
compounding medications.
He is so loving, sweet and laid back. You really pegged his personality way back
when he was just a little guy-
amazing how you can do that when they are so young!
Take care.
Rachel Wright
Older posts are in our gallery section 🙂 New updates will be in posts from now on.