Puppy Care

I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to provide you with this wonderful addition to your family. I have worked very hard to provide you with a Gorgeous, Healthy Golden that will give you a lifetime of unconditional LOVE!



1. Crate-the size large life stages crate is the best because you can move the divider as the puppy grows. Also a crate mat as well.

2. Bed-some kind of dog bed for puppy to enjoy time with while he is visiting with you in the common area.

3. Ceramic dog dishes– The ceramic dishes are heavy enough to not to knock over and can be cleaned easily.

4. Toys-Kong toys are good, Nylabones, tennis balls, rope toys. NO rawhides…they are a serious choking hazard.

5. Collar and Leash-I recommend a Martingale collar to start and the size should be 10-14″. Please make sure your starter leash isn’t too bulky and the snap too heavy.

6. Good Quality Dog Food-Starting with Purina Pro Plan Puppy

7. Healthy treats- We suggest healthy treats. There are some good ones out there, just make sure the ingredients are good. If you feed a good quality dog food and then ruin it with unhealthy treats, then it is a waste to do it in the first place.

8. Nail clippers– the more often you clip nails, the easier it will be when they are big (:

9. Gentle organic shampoo– No perfumes or harsh chemicals to dry out the skin. Oatmeal shampoo is great for the skin.

10. Brush- a two way brush is good with a wire brush and soft brush

Feeding: Your puppy will normally only eat ½ cup of dry in the morning, 1/2 cup at noon and repeat in the evening. Remember do not overdo the treats or your puppy will not eat his or her regular food. Take your puppy out to potty immediately after eating or drinking and take him to the same spot every time.  Increase the amount of food with growth. Read your dog food bag >how much per dog’s body weight (ACTUALLY — USE A MEASURING CUP). If you choose to switch foods always mix a little of old brand with your new selection. This will prevent stomach upset!

Nutrition is very important for good bone development & health.  We have worked very hard to provide you with a puppy that will give you years and years of unconditional love & pleasure.  We feel this will help your companion live a longer, happier, healthier life and prevent unnecessary trips to the vet.

Toys and chews: Provide your puppy with plenty of his own made in the U.S.A. chews and toys! All puppies will chew especially when teething, so it is wise to have plenty of fun things other than your shoes or furniture available to chew. Never allow a young pup to bite on your arm or you may have a grown dog that likes to keep your arm in his or her mouth.

Housebreaking: We prefer crate training or gate training. This means confining your pup to his own den (area of comfort). Normally, they do not like to mess up the area where they sleep. Of course, any dog may soil their crate if they are not taken out on a regular basis. Puppies go more frequently. Again, as they mature they can hold it longer. Never scold your dog while in the crate! Once your dog is trained he or she will return to the crate for their own space! Plus an advantage is if you should ever need to crate your dog for evacuation purposes, the dog will gladly go into the crate! Praise your puppy when he or she does well! Take the pup out frequently! Give them a little freedom after they have relieved themselves.

Never punish a dog that goes in the house! Catch them, run over calmly, then take them outside! Take them to the same spot every time. Goldens are very smart and they want to please you so this should be enough to let them know that you are happy when they go outside. You never need to spank them, and you should not rub their noses in it! Goldens respond better to positive reinforcement as they are pleasers and just want to know what you want them to do.

Training: You can enroll your puppy in a puppy kindergarten or obedience class as early as 9 weeks. Not at an open to the public place like Petsmart, but a private facility that requires all puppies to have  health certificates to show they have been vaccinated and are free of communicable diseases and parasites. Puppies need to be protected prior to all puppy shots, but not isolated. This means that you can go to a friends or family’s house to play with dogs that are vaccinated. The puppy needs to have opportunities for socialization and learn how to “meet and greet” other dogs. Make sure the dogs you expose them to at this vulnerable time have good manners to pass along.  Just use common sense and do not take them to pet stores, dog parks or other places where dogs congregate until he is fully vaccinated. Hopefully you will enjoy the training experience and continue with further classes. Goldens thrive on the stimuli and and are eager to learn new things!

What you do with your puppy the first day is going to be very important, wherever you put the puppy on his or her first night away from mommy is where they will claim so therefore if you plan to crate train—do it from day one! Or else you will have a barking puppy wanting out of the crate when you do decide to crate the dog. Dog gates work well in small area if the area is too large they will soil it because it gives them to much area!

Safety: Puppy proof your home and yard. Get rid of poisonous plants and power cords. Many people have lost pups due to electric shock and poisonous substances in their garage. Just because golden retrievers love water does not mean they cannot drown…watch your puppy around a swimming pool!

Enjoy: Last thing…Enjoy your puppy! Goldens are very personable and will be your loyal companion.  Hang in there. The puppy stage is tough, but bring your youngster through it the right way and you will have your best friend! Who else will greet you at the door with a tail wagging smile!

Thank you from A Golden Paradise…

Please keep in touch and send lots of pictures!