8 week update! All of the puppies have gone to their new homes. It is a bittersweet time for us as we have spent much time loving and caring for them. At the same time, we know how ready they are for the individual attention they need and to bond with their new families. This is the last post for this litter, so here are the wonderful new families with their new babies!

7 week update! Cotton’s puppies go home this coming weekend! I cannot believe we are here already. They are doing amazing and are full of life 🙂 While we are finishing weaning Cotton, we let “Aunt Ruby” come in and spend time with the pups. She runs and plays with them and then lies down and lets them crawl all over her. She is a such a patient, sweet girl. This gives the pups some extra socialization with a dog other than their mom and helps with the weaning process. As I said with Glory’s update, My posts are shorter since we have had visitation and we are very busy now!!!
6 Week Update! Cotton’s puppies are doing amazing and are so much fun now! We had our 6 week visitation yesterday and it was great getting to meet all of the new families and see some old friends coming back for Golden number two to add to their family. The puppies were completely worn out by the end of the day and made everyone believe they were calm and quiet all of the time lol… I am listening to them wrestle, bark at one another and tear up newspaper in the other room as we speak 🙂 We have a video and just one picture of the pooped out puppies since everyone got millions of pictures yesterday 🙂

5 week update! Only one more week until visitation! It will be great to meet the new puppy parents and I know you are all excited to pick out your new babies. They are all wonderful, so it will be a tough choice 🙂 The pups are very playful now and are enjoying the freedom of the whole puppy room. They are doing great on paper training and experiencing new things to learn about each day. They love the play tube as you will see in the video…Enjoy!

4 week update! We are halfway to our new homes at 4 weeks old today! It is so hard to believe we are already 3 days into 2015 and Christmas and New Years are behind us once again. The puppies are doing wonderful and enjoying eating real food! You will see they love it and get into it completely and make a big mess 🙂 They are having play time outside the box and starting their paper training.

3 week update!! My goodness the time is slipping by so fast. It is hard to believe that Christmas is over and we are bringing in the new year this coming week. The babies are growing and changing everyday and looking more like little puppies now. They are discovering their little world, toys and each other and it is so fun to watch. Enjoy a glimpse into toy discovery for the first time 🙂

2 weeks old and doing great! The puppies eyes are open and they are wobbling around on their little legs 🙂 Enjoy the video and pictures! Older posts are below.

Cotton’s puppies are 1 week old today! I cannot believe it has been a week already. They are doing amazing and growing so fast. Enjoy this video and the 3 pictures below. Continue to scroll down for earlier pictures of the litter. All of these pups are spoken for 🙂

Cotton had 10 beautiful, healthy puppies December 6th! They are a lovely bunch and we are so pleased 🙂 She had 4 girls and 6 boys and all is well with mommy and babies. Cotton had a c-section and as soon as she opened her eyes and heard the babies she was ready to have them with her. She is an incredible mommy!