We had a great day Monday at the high school with the students! My sister is the teacher for the Vet Assisting program where Chloe goes to school every day. She is the mascot of the class 🙂 Dog trainer Jim Wallace from https://www.facebook.com/wallacek9center comes in every other week to teach the different classes dog training at their level and I bring some of my Goldens for the kids to work with. They learn basic training and even get to go through the tubes and poles for fun as well. They also learn how to introduce dogs to new dogs and the correct way to handle situations that may occur. The Goldens always love to meet new people and new doggie friends. Monday we had Beau, Marley, Piper and Chloe all there to help. They definitely loved the attention AND the many treats of chicken and cheese when they finished their tasks!